Tabs update

Tabs update

From a lot of user requests, we noticed that adding multiple tabs on a dashboard was a priority. It helps provide segment the data on a dashboard into useful sections that are easy to navigate. It also helps when building out reports to separate out content into separate pages. And so, we have updated our dashboards to allow for multiple tabs to be setup.

Setting up tabs

All dashboards have a single tab by default. You can head into a dashboard, click on setting and you should see a section to set up additional tabs.

Here you can add tabs, move tabs up and down and delete tabs you do not need. However keep in mind that you can only delete tabs that are empty. So if a tab contains widgets, you would need to either delete or move the widgets out first.

You can also hide tabs. This lets you hide a certain set of widgets that you may not want to be visible but ones you might want to use for triggering automations.

Managing widgets in tabs

Once you have setup additional tabs, you can move widgets from one tab to another. In order to do that, just click on the options button on the top right of any widget, click on move widget and then click on the name of the tab you want to move it to.

Additional behaviors introduced with tabs

  1. When adding new widgets to the dashboard, they will be added to the dashboard tab that is currently active.
  2. When downloading a dashboard as an image, it will download the currently active tab.
  3. When downloading the dashboard as CSV or Excel, it will still download the data from all the widgets as separate sheets.
  4. When downloading the dashboard as a PPT document, each tab will be separated out as a new slide.
  5. When downloading the dashboard as a PDF document, each tab will be separated out as a new page.